A Documentary about the Women Judges, the Courts
and Human Rights in South Africa

The purposes of this web site are to complement and enlarge upon the documentary, Courting Justice.

The context of the film is South Africa’s transformation from apartheid to a human rights-based constitutional democracy. Courting Justice features seven of South Africa’s women judges who, as judges, are charged with advancing that transformation.

They tell “their stories,” speaking to us in their court rooms, chambers, homes and the communities in which they lived during apartheid.

In telling their stories they convey their deep commitment to creating a human rights jurisprudence and bring attention to the importance of the judiciary’s engagement in realizing the constitution’s promises. They also provide insight into the judiciary’s own transformation — a necessary condition for the judiciary’s legitimacy and effectiveness.

Recent & Upcoming Screenings

This year promises to be a busy year for Courting Justice. South Africa’s Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Consul Generals in more than twenty countries are planning screenings and in South Africa the amazing Gold Museum has been offered as a venue.

South Africa’s High Commissioner to Canada is hosting the screening to be shown at the Ottawa Public Library.
February 1, 5:45 PM Main Auditorium , 120 Metcalf Street.

In San Francisco, California’s Admin Office of the Courts—”AOC: 50 years of service to the courts and the people of California, 1961–2011″ –is hosting the screening.
February 7, 11 AM – 12:30 PM, Lower level auditorium, 455 Golden Gate Avenue.

Also in San Francisco, the University of California/San Francisco will be the venue for a screening. February 9, 6pm Mission Bay Campus.

Deutsche Bank in New York City is host to a screening.
February 22, 4 pm- 8 pm, Auditorium, 60 Wall Street

The Honorable William G. Ford, Judge of the Suffolk County District Court is host to the screening at the Suffolk County Bar Association. “Courting Justice,” he comments, ” shows the importance given by the South African government and its citizens to the rule of law and to theirshared heritage. It speaks to their faith in a civil society, as governed by a written Constitution.”

February 28 6 PM at the Suffolk County Bar Association Great Room 560 Wheeler Rd. Hauppauge

Courting Justice can be purchased as a DVD, downloaded or instantly viewed at amazon.com (71 min film)

The film is also available in a shorter 54 minute version for purchase as a DVD from amazon.com

Festivals and Screenings

HBO COMPETITION FINALIST – August 2010: Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival

Courting Justice has been shown at The United Nations, Embassies and Consulates, U.S. Department of State, South Africa Parliament, Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Law and Society Association.

  • Voice of America.TV
  • SABC (South Africa Broadcasting Corporation)
  • Durban International Film Festival, Audience Award
  • UNIFEM Women’s Int’l Film Festival
  • International de Films de Femmes de Creteil (Paris)
  • Sichuan TV Festival, China
  • Parliament Film Festival, South Africa
  • Addis International Film Festival, Africa
  • Encounters: South African International Documentary Festival
  • Assoc. of the Bar of the City of New York
  • Black Lawyers Association
  • Cornell University—School of Labor & Industrial Relations and School of Law
  • Harvard Law School—Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice
  • International Association of Women Judges
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Centennial Meeting
  • National Association of Women Judges
  • Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
  • Southern Coalition for Social Justice
  • Union Baptist Church, Durham, N.C
  • U.S. Committee for UNIFEM
  • Yale Law School
  • YWCA & YMCA, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

Highlights of Testimonials


“Courting Justice” elegantly chronicles the transformation of South Africa from tyranny of apartheid to Constitutional Democracy. The film is inspiring and enlightening.  It conveys the message of peaceful progress towards human rights and racial and gender equality. Female judges as guardians of the society are becoming role models for South Africa’s younger generation– role models they did not have themselves. The film depicts enormous potential for growth and development in human life when freedom and dignity have a chance.  [It] brilliantly brought the life of female Judges as mothers, daughters and judiciary powers to World’s attention.

Dr Kajal M . Rahmani
Anthropology Department
Boston University

 a fantastically moving film.  It brings to life some of the challenges and sacrifices involved in ensuring justice in a post-apartheid South Africa.  As one who regularly brings travelers to South Africa to collaborate on legal and business projects, I have used” Courting Justice” to stimulate discussion and reflection on the realities of modern-day South Africa.  “Courting Justice” provides an inspiration for girls and women all over the world—of the role that they may play in shaping a more just society. [It reveals]… the continuous struggle associated with ensuring freedom in a transitional society like South Africa.

Beverly Watson
President & Founder
Global Imprints

Courting Justice”… so captured the interest of our audience, especially the subject of [Black] women Judges in South Africa.   It was shot and edited beautifully and the original South African music only added to its feel.

Justice Richard Lee Price
Chair Gender Fairness Committee
2th Judicial District

“Courting Justice” documents in a most gripping way the role that women in the judiciary are playing in building the new South Africa. I found these women’s stories touching and inspiring.

Linda Greenhouse
Supreme Court reporter
Yale Law School and former New York Times

Two years after its initial release…Courting Justice continues to inspire audiences around the world with its story of South African women who fought against all odds to win judgeships in the country’s highest courts.

Jane A. Morse
Office of International Information Programs
U.S. Department of State

This is an inspirational film, especially for young people with aspirations.  It is a revelation to go behind the scenes for intimate glimpses of women judges to see how meticulous they are in weighing the social and individual consequences of their judgments and interpretations of the law.  The score by Philip Miller  transports you to the time and place and you can feel the transformation this culture has witnessed.   The spontaneous singing choir in the Court at the Political Prisoners Commemoration captures that unmistakable South African sound that reflects the pure joy of freedom.  The score should be made available as a separate CD.

Carolyn Turner
Senior TV Producer
Voice of America

The stories of these women judges make all who hear them realize “how one brings the human rights provisions of the [South African post-apartheid constitution]—and everything the constitution represents—to reality, and that is very powerful.” The film’s story “is about the great promise of human rights and judicial reform. And that can only take root and sprout and be nurtured where there are committed people in a democracy”

Ambassador Melanne Verveer
U.S. Ambassador
Large for Global Women’s Issues

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